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Alternate Start

I cannot stand to see Ralof, Lokir and Ulfric anymore. Every time you have another great idea for a character you need to waste your time fighting through Helgen.
This mod allows allows you to choose where and how you want to start the game.

Misery and despair have haunted you all your life. Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse, you've been arrested and thrown in the dungeons. Your trial was supposed to be weeks ago, only nobody has come for you. It's been so long since seeing daylight you no longer know what month it is anymore. The dungeon is cold, damp, and worse still, you're running out of food. At least you have that leak in the wall for water. It seems as though you've been forgotten, soon to rot away and die. The eight have forsaken you! Or... have they?

Live Another Life provides an alternative means to start the game for those who do not wish to go through the lengthy intro sequence at Helgen. You will be given the opportunity to choose your race and then choose a new life for your character to lead. A wide variety of choices will be available. What you choose will have a lasting impact, so choose carefully or the gods may forsake you again!

Source: Skyrimnexus
Version: 2.1.7

Mirror 1 (Dropbox)
Mirror 2 (Mediafire)




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